Joining the club, visiting player, or just having a go

New players - have a go

If you've never played croquet before, you are welcome to visit us and try it out for free at one of our advertised Have a Go days during the summer season, or just by contacting us any time at

We welcome new players, and will provide all the equipment you need and a little coaching to get you started.

Players visiting from other clubs

  • $10.

Casual play

  • At approved club sessions and times, $20 per session. 

Membership fees 2024/25

  1. Renewing adult member: $250 if paid by 30 June ($270 if paid late). This covers winter and summer seasons.
  2. Weekend member (plays only at weekends and after 5 pm Mon-Fri): $175 ($195 if paid late).
  3. New member: $220 in 1st year only, if not previously a member of another club.
  4. New member joining after 1 January, not previously a member of another club: $35 per month or part-month to end of summer season.
  5. New member joining after 1 January who has previously been a member of another club: $45 per month or part-month to end of summer season.
  6. Associate member, if full member of another club: $200 ($220 if paid late).
  7. Full time equivalent tertiary student: $130 ($140).
  8. Full time equivalent tertiary student who has a primary registration at another club: $110.
  9. Secondary student: $85 ($90).
  10. Primary/intermediate student: $20 ($20).
  11. Social non-playing member: $40 ($40).

Family and friends 

Members may bring family and friends to play casually, outside of club sessions and other scheduled events, at $10 per person.

Winter play for CNZ-affiliated players

$60 for the winter season for non-Kelburn members who belong to other clubs.

New applications for membership

Use the blue button opposite to apply for membership.

Kelburn Municipal Croquet Club bank account

Pay fees direct to the club bank account, providing details in the payment fields. 

Kelburn Municipal Croquet Club bank account: 03-0518-0184916-00

New full membership applicants - please do not pay until your membership is confirmed and the Secretary advises you of the correct fee applicable.

Privacy Policy

The club respects the privacy of members and visitors and has adopted a Privacy Policy. Some sharing of information and images, such as photos of players and competition winners, is necessary and some aids enjoyment of the game and the community of members. 

Please read the Privacy Policy

If you have any concerns, please contact the Privacy Officer -